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Iranology Foundation

      Poland European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES)

     Affiliation : AFEMAM

   Date of establishment : 1997
   Tel : +48 22 55-20-353
   Fax : +48 266356
   Addres : Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28,Wydział Orientalistyczny UW,00-927 Warszawa
   Email : pto.orient@uw.edu.pl
   Url : http://www.orient.uw.edu.pl/pto/
   More : Middle Eastern Studies in Poland - Directory of Members, Warsaw 1997 (77 pages) This directory contains 109 individual entries but is by no means complete. The division of specialisms is on the lines of the AFEMAM directory - with researchers coming under 41 categories - the most important of which are as follows: Art and archaeology - 36 Anthropology, sociology - 25 Language and culture studies - 89, of whom 35 are listed under Arabic studies, 14 under Iranian studies and 18 under Turkish studies History - 45 Language and literature - 61 Economy and political science - 30