   Affiliation : Vereniging voor de studie van het Middle-oosten en de islam (MOI)
   Head of the Institue : Alexander De Groot    Date of establishment : 1998    Addres : Dept. of the Languages and cultures of the Islamic Middle East, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, POB 9515, Witte Singel 25,NL-2300 Leiden RA    Email : moistudies@moistudies.nl    Url : http://www.smi.uib.no/eurames/netherlands.html    More : There are around 100 orientalists in universities - most of whom are involved in 'traditional' teaching - such as linguistics, literature and history. There is also a group of around 50 political scientists. MOI is the main professional organisation involved in Arabic-Islamic studies. It currently has 300 members. The main research centres are in the Universities of Amsterdan, Groningen, Leiden, Nijmegen and Utrecht. The best library is in Leiden.