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      Denmark Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies

     Affiliation : Southern Denmark University

   Head of the Institue : Associate professor, PhD. Peter Seeberg
   Date of establishment : 1983
   Field : Middle Eastern Studies and Research
   Tel : +45 6550 2183 / +45 6550 2177
   Fax : +45 6550 2161
   Addres : University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense
   Email : Seeberg@hist.sdu.dk,
   Url : http://www.sdu.dk/en/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/C_Mellemoest
   More : Scope & history of the institute: The Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies was established in 1983. It is an interdisciplinary research and teaching centre focusing on the modern Middle Eastern in a global perspective. The academic staff of the Centre represents different disciplinary backgrounds such as Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Islamic Studies, History and Linguistics. Its academic activities are organized in four units: Studies of the modern Middle East: History, Politics and Society Studies in Immigration, Religion and Cultural Transformation Arabic Language Acquisition The Resource Centre Research and teaching are organized under the first three units of the Centre, whereas the Resource Centre comprises an information section with academic and popular publications, as well as commercially oriented activities including lectures, consultancies, media contributions and books. For more information please see the specific links, on the left, to Research, Education and the Resource Centre.