   Affiliation : University of Toronto
   Head of the Institue : Prof. Linda Northrup
   Date of establishment : 1996
   Field : Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations
   Tel : (+1) (416) 978 3306
   Fax : (+1) (416) 978 3305
   Addres : 4 Bancroft Avenue, 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1C1
   Email : reich@chass.utoronto.ca, jc.jones@utoronto.ca
   Url : http://www.utoronto.ca/nmc/
   More :
1) * name : N.1) * family : Danesh1) * area_study : ndanesh@chass.utoronto.ca
2) * name : R.2) * family : Sandler2) * area_study : r.sandler@utoronto.ca
3) * name : M.E.3) * family : Subtelny3) * area_study : subtelny@chass.utoronto.ca
1) * title : فارسي1) * no_student : 0
2) * title : باستانشناسي2) * no_student : 0
3) * title : تاريخ3) * no_student : 0
4) * title : هنر4) * no_student : 0
5) * title : معماري5) * no_student : 0
6) * title : Grammar lessons6) * main_subject : PERSIAN LESSONS6) * no_student : 0
7) * title : Verb Conjugator7) * main_subject : PERSIAN LESSONS7) * no_student : 0
1) * Name of Library : The Library of University of Toronto
Publication :
1) * Title : The Survey and Excavation Projects1) * Year Publication : 01) * Authur : University of Toronto1) * Bulletine : False
2) * Title : Middle Eastern Civilizations2) * Year Publication : 02) * Authur : University of Toronto2) * Bulletine : False
Seminars :
1) * Title : Politics and Ethnicity in a Mesopotamian State1) * Place : University of Toronto1) * Date : 2008
2) * Title : Mirror of the Ancient Near East2) * Place : University of Toronto2) * Date : 2008
3) * Title : Mesopotamian Scholars Between the Oral and the Written Word3) * Place : University of Toronto3) * Date : 2008
4) * Title : The Old Assyrian Trade in the Light of Recent Kultepe Archives4) * Place : University of Toronto4) * Date : 2008