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      United States American Association of Teachers of Persian (AATP)

     Affiliation : Pensilvania University

   Head of the Institue : Pardis Minuchehr, President University of Pennsylvania , Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civlizations
   Date of establishment : 1989
   Field : دارد
   Tel : (215) 746-2882
   Fax : (+1) (212) 998 4689
   Addres : University of Pennsylvania; Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civlizations; 847 Williams Hall; 255 S. 36th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305;
   Email : pardis@sas.upenn.edu
   Url : http://www.aatpersian.org/
   More : The American Association of Teachers of Persian is a non-profit, professional organization whose objective shall be to advance and improve the study and teaching Persian language; to promote research in the field of Persian language, linguistics, and literature; to further the common interests of teachers in the field; and to facilitate communication and professional cooperation among its members. An Executive Committee composed of the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and six Executive Officers manages the affairs of the Association. Members of the Executive Committee assume the responsibilities of their respective offices upon the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Association. All serve without compensation. SCHOLAR : 1) * name : Soheila1) * family : Amirsoleimani1) * area_study : President, Associate Professor of Persian Languages & Literature1) * subject : 1400 LNCO 255 S. Central Drive South Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Tel: (801) 585-3011 E-Mail: soheila1@gmail.com 2) * name : Mahvash2) * family : Shahegh2) * area_study : Secretary E-Mail: mshahegh@comcast.net 3) * name : Atefeh3) * family : Oliai3) * area_study : Outreach3) * subject : 407 Bascom Hall The University of Wisconsin, Madison 500 Lincoln Drive Madison, WI. 53706-1380 Tel: 608-262-9561 E-Mail: aoliai@wisc.edu 4) * name : Mohammad Mehdi4) * family : Khorrami4) * area_study : New York University Department of Middle Eastern Studies 50 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Scope & history of the institute: About AATP The American Association of Teachers of Persian is a non-profit, professional organization whose objective shall be to advance and improve the study and teaching of the Persian language and culture; to promote research in the field of Persian language, linguistics, and literature; to further the common interests of teachers in the field; and to facilitate communication and professional cooperation among its members. AATP Affiliates National Middle Eastern Language and Research Center Middle Eastern Studies Association Central Eurasian Studies Society American Institute of Iranian Studies American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages Affiliation: National Middle Eastern Language and Research Center Middle Eastern Studies Association Central Eurasian Studies Society American Institute of Iranian Studies American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages