Universitat Zurich, Faculty of Arts
   Date of establishment : 1833
   Tel : +41 44 634 11 11,+41 44 634 23 70
   Fax : +41 44 634 49 01
   Addres : Universitat Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, cH-8006 Zurich,
   Email : dekanat@phil.uzh.ch
   Url : http://www.phil.uzh.ch or http://www.uzh.ch/
   More : Universitas Turicensis" founded. The Canton of Zurich combines its existing colleges of theology, jurisprudence and medicine into the "Universitas Turicensis" and supplements these three areas of study with a faculty of arts. This is the first university in Europe to be founded by a democratic state instead of by either a monarch or the church.
161 students, 55 lecturers. In the first year 16 theology students, 26 law students, 98 medicine students and 21 arts students enroll. The handbook of courses is published in German and Latin. Great hopes for the future. The founders hope ultimately to turn the cantonal university into a national Swiss university. In a letter to a friend the spiritual father of the Zurich University, Johann Caspar von Orelli, wrote: "We had to found a Zurich university just to achieve something. But it, and it alone, can, and should become the Swiss University." The dream never came true.