   Affiliation : University of Copenhagen
   Head of the Institue : Aiysha Ahmad Abu-Laban
   Tel : (+45) 35 32 8900 ; (+45) 35 32 89 00 ; +45 51 30 28 57/ (Reception desk): +45 353-28900
   Fax : (+45) 35 32 8926
   Addres : The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Carsten Niebuhr Section, Snorresgade 17-19, DK-2300 Copenhagen
   Email : Lykdit@hum.ku.dk ; tors@hum.ku.dk. ; aiysha@hum.k
   Url : http://hum.ku.dk/ ; http://ccrs.ku.dk/programmes/near_eastern_archaeology/
   More : Near Eastern Archaeology:
Main Fields of Study:
Archaeology in the Ancient Near East: Egypt, Levant, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Ancient Iran and peripheral areas from 20,000 BCE – 19th cent. CE. The program includes a general introduction to the discipline of archaeology, with detailed studies of archaeological evidence from different periods (prehistoric, historical and islamic) in the Ancient Near East.
Language(s) of instruction
Primarily English. Some courses have been taught in Danish if only Danish students attend, but will be taught in English if just one international student is present. All examinations can be conducted in English. The curriculum has been in English, German and French.
Access requirements
Upper school leaving examination or comparable qualifications.
Programme requirements
Upon completion of a Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Archaeology the student has acquired:
knowledge of the history and development of archaeology in general and Near Eastern archaeology in particular;
documented skills in various archaeological techniques such as excavation, registration and publication of results;
basic knowledge of the history of the two core areas (Egypt and Western Asia) based on archaeological records from various sites and regions;
basic academic ability to study selected topics of Near Eastern archaeology, documented by oral presentations and two papers (15 and 25 papers) required for the degree.
Professional status
With a BA in Near Eastern Archaeology the candidate is qualified for teaching in various educational institutions. It likewise qualifies the candidate for administrative positions or other positions requiring medium cycle research based qualifications, and where these qualifications will be preferable (tourist guides, museum guides).
MA programme
Main Fields of Study
Students choose to concentrate on one of the following periods within the archaeology of the Ancient Near East: a) Prehistoric periods b) Early Ancient Civilisations c) From the Conquest of Alexander the Great to the Prophet Muhammad d) Art and Archaeology of the Islamic periods. The programme includes a general introduction to archaeological theory and methodology as well as actual field work
Language(s) of instruction
Primarily English. Some courses have been taught in Danish if only Danish students attend, but will be taught in English if just one international student is present. All examinations can be conducted in English. The curriculum has been in English, German and French.
Access requirements
A BA in Near Eastern Archaeology.
Programme requirements
Upon completion of the Master of Arts in Near Eastern Archaeology the student has acquired:
academic skills based on the ability to work independently on projects using archaeological evidence from various excavations and other archaeological material;
the ability to work critically with material culture and to discuss various aspects of it;
familiarity with the subject area’s research traditions;
the ability to approach scientific methodology and theory critically, documented by a written assignment (15 pages) and an oral presentation;
analytical skills documented by a Master’s thesis (80 pages) that must be completed within six months.
The candidate must in his or her thesis show an ability to apply the scientific methods and theories related to a specific subject and clearly communicate the ideas and results of the thesis. The thesis should be around 80 pages, not counting notes and bibliography, and be based on empirical data from various archaeological contexts.
Professional status
The MA in Near Eastern Archaeology qualifies the candidate for positions where general academic skills are required. It also qualifies the candidate for teaching and research within the candidate’s area of study, as well as other positions where the specific qualifications within the candidate’s area of study are required.