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Iranology Foundation

      Denmark Center for Language Technology (CST)

     Affiliation : Copenhagen University

   Head of the Institue : Jens Langeland-Knudsen
   Field : to carry out and promote strategic research and application deve­lopment in the areas of language technology and computational linguistics in Denmark
   Tel : (+45) 35 32 90 90
   Fax : (+45) 35 32 90 89
   Addres : Center for Sprogteknologi, Njalsgade 140, building 25, 4th floor, DK-2300 Copenhagen S.
   Email : cst @ hum.ku.dk
   Url : http://cst.ku.dk/english/omcentret/
   More : In fulfilling this mission the Centre must be a prime mover in assuring good language technology for Danish users - and other users of the Danish language. Furthermore, it must bring new knowledge to Denmark through international co-operation and assist in ma­king it useful in a Danish context, and at the same time contribute to the international scienti­fic develop­ment in the field.